this website contains no advertisements or cookies whatsoever.
this website is sponsored by nobody. i wanted to make a website, so i did. no one is paying me to, and i don't ask that you or anyone else pay me for what's on this site.
if this ever changes, it means i have sold out and am either acting under duress or am no longer worthy of your respect.
All content on this website is subject to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
Broadly speaking, this means that you can remix and distribute my stuff to whoever you want, as long as you credit me, daz, as the original creator.
This also means that you can only redistribute my stuff for noncommercial purposes, not for making money. no love for corporations here.
Finally, while you can redistribute my things, you must do so under the same terms as i distribute them. anything of mine that you remix and redistribute needs to also be CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.